영어동화책5 Little BEAR'S BIG HOUSE - BY BENJAMIN CHAUD Book title : Little BEAR'S BIG HOUSE - BY BENJAMIN CHAUD TOPIC : ANIMAL - STORYTELLING BOOK (1) Little BEAR'S BIG HOUSE -(BY BENJAMIN CHAUD ) (2) 책내용 BEAR 관련 책...동물관련 동화책이 많으니.. 그림이 만화같아서 재미있고 여기저기 동물들 찾는 재미가 있는 책이예요..나무도 많은 숲사이에 여우와 다람쥐 다양한 동물이 몇마리있는지 물어보기도 하면 좋을것 같아요..^^ 같은 작가의 다른 그림책...The Bear’s Sea Escape 이책도 보는 재미가 있어요.. (3) 자료들 https://www.muminthemadhouse.com/teddy-bear-themed-crafts-act.. 2019. 10. 25. GOOD-NIGHT OWL! (BY PAT HUTCHINS) Book title : GOOD-NIGHT OWL! (BY PAT HUTCHINS) TOPIC : Animal - STORYTELLING BOOK (1) GOOD-NIGHT OWL! (BY PAT HUTCHINS) (2) 책내용 (3) 동영상 https://youtu.be/4ZCCYhn3Gm0 https://youtu.be/tDnPYeV9dzA (4) 자료들 http://www.picturebookwoman.com/books/good-night-owl/bonus/readers-theater-good-night-owl Readers Theater: Good-Night, Owl! | Picture Book Woman Readers Theater is an oral reading exercise in whic.. 2019. 6. 24. Blue Sea (by Robert Kalan) Book title : Blue Sea (by Robert Kalan) TOPIC : Animal - STORYTELLING BOOK (1) Blue Sea (by Robert Kalan) (2) 책내용 (3) 동영상 https://youtu.be/qIV2saO_QxM https://youtu.be/HVLnSINqmww https://youtu.be/4LIbPiQRntM (4) 자료들 https://teachpreschool.org/2013/06/20/fish-in-the-water/ Fish in the water The exploration of under the sea can lead to an endless set of discoveries and it is hard to know where to.. 2019. 6. 24. Who is the beast? (By Keith Baker) Book title : Who is the beast? (By Keith Baker) TOPIC : Animal - STORYTELLING BOOK (1) Who is the beast? (By Keith Baker) (2) 책내용 (3) 동영상 https://youtu.be/zbf95DTIz8Y https://youtu.be/HnXzrnuc2gc (4) 자료들 수업할때 아이들과 같이 질문하고 답해보는 것... Questions for Philosophical Discussion In the story each of the jungle animals are scared when they see the beast. What do you think is scary? How do you feel when yo.. 2019. 6. 23. 이전 1 2 다음