영어동화책활동하기2 Who is the beast? (By Keith Baker) Book title : Who is the beast? (By Keith Baker) TOPIC : Animal - STORYTELLING BOOK (1) Who is the beast? (By Keith Baker) (2) 책내용 (3) 동영상 https://youtu.be/zbf95DTIz8Y https://youtu.be/HnXzrnuc2gc (4) 자료들 수업할때 아이들과 같이 질문하고 답해보는 것... Questions for Philosophical Discussion In the story each of the jungle animals are scared when they see the beast. What do you think is scary? How do you feel when yo.. 2019. 6. 23. Everyday Garden Book title : Everyday Garden TOPIC : Plant - STORYTELLING BOOK Everyday 시리즈 책중 하나...종이로 직접 잘라서 표현해서 자연스럽게...볼수 있어서 좋아요..작가가 신시아 라일란트작가 ^^ The Relatives Came 칼데콧상 작품 Henry and Mudge 시리즈 작가로..알려져있습니다. (1) Everyday Garden ( by Cynthia Rylant's) (2) 책내용 (3) 자료들 색지로 잘라서 자기만의 Garden 만들기^^ https://youtu.be/U9EvoB6sVcw http://blog.daum.net/_blog/BlogTypeView.do?blogid=0PckQ&articleno=1062&_bloghome_menu.. 2019. 4. 15. 이전 1 다음